have a longer history like photography itself. This shows the interest
of humans getting their images live with time. The art of portrait have
long grown and the enhancements have evolved through technologies.
started as a royal service traveled with time and technology and
became a common activity. With the invasion of digital cameras,
capturing portraits is as simple as that. High-end cameras have capture
settings like face detection to take portraits with more accuracy. Today
retouching is not a flash in the pan.
Close look:
Retouching portraits
require immense skill. This is because the editor has to change very
minute details to look the image different. The responsibility is more
on the shoulders of the artist as the customer feels “retouching my
portrait is enhancing my facial attributes”. Apart from the regular
skin tone, one needs to give close look at eyebrows, dark shades below
the eyes, eyelashes, lips and other microscopic details of the face.
Retouching such parameters will boost the beauty of the face. One needs
to understand the amount of light that falls on the subject, and reduce
it at desired scenarios. Reducing the light on the face doesn’t darken
the image, instead increases glow when applied with hue and saturation
Light and Flash:
competitive scenario will force the photographer to use high-end
cameras. The snapper will have his camera settings done to capture the
face of his subject with highest clarity. To achieve this, it is
important to make the background blur
and thereby increasing the sharpness of his subject. The shutterbug
will need to take a great care in lighting effects and flash settings.
The camera should flash only when necessary. The photo will be pleasant,
if natural light is used in maximum. Setting the light for a photo is
just another art. It should be done with excellence to make it more
adorable than an amateur capture.
Contrast the Backdrop:
foreground entity will look finer when the backdrop contrasting. Handle
dodge and blur tool to wipe off the sharpness in the background. Try to
lessen the striking colors at the back settings in the back settings to
hike the charm of the portrait. This is a mandate technique used along
with other procedures while retouching the portrait. Retouching my
portrait involves a lot of input from my end as well as from the
editor’s perspective. The combined inputs will narrow down to the best
possible correction and lead to the spangled output.
Cleaning the skin and retouching hair
property will make the portrait fantabulous. The hair color can be
treated in a way that it looks blending with the skin tone. The black
spot on the face must be erased off using clone tool and skin color
should be maintained even across the face. Brightening up of eyes and
teeth will add more color to the photo. Retouching my portrait is not
complete without adding twinkling effects to my eyes. The editor must
take immense effect to zoom in and implant effects into the lens in the
eyes. The artist should work on the color of teeth. It is not
necessarily to be bright white; however various shades of white will do
the job. Snap a shot and give it a try. The social networking site needs
a new profile picture!!
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